CLass Composite & CLass Photos
The choice for class composites or traditional class photos is a choice made by your school administrators. If you receive the option to purchase a class photo and not a composite we cannot offer the other. We are really excited to be able to offer one of each of these options to each school and look forward to creating these keepsakes for each class!
A popular option is our class composites. These images are created using fall photos which means they will be on sale shortly after spring photos. These will be individualized meaning your student will be featured in the center! These are offered between fall photos and spring.

We also offer traditional class photos. For schools wishing to opt for the traditional class photos we typically offer these in the spring. This allows for any students who join later in the year to be included as well as showcase the students once they have had time to settle in and get comfortable with their class. It makes for a much warmer group photo of kids who started out as classmates and are now are a team!